Parameter Name | Type | Supported Interface | Description | Required |
ImageIndex | Int | General | The index of a foreground image in ImageAndMaskList or ImageList , starting from 0. | ✓ |
ResizeMode | String | General | Specifying the resize mode of the foreground image when the final generating dimension is different. Reference values: JustResize, CropAndResize, ResizeAndFill. Default value: ResizeAndFill | |
ClothesMaskIndex | Int | GenerateFromMannequin | Specifying the clothes to be kept on the mannequin. The index of the mask image in ImageAndMaskList or MaskList starts from 0. The mask is a black-and-white image where the white part represents the redrawn area. You can draw masks independently or obtain them through the "Remove Background" or "Content Extraction" APIs. | ✓ |
InvertMask | Bool | GenerateFromMannequin | Invert the mask, default value: false |